Thursday, July 17, 2008


What do I tell the hurting Lord?
How do I ease their pain?
Help me to know and share Your heart ...
For Your thoughts and words are never in vain.
"Tell them they are not alone.
Tell them "I am."
Tell them to seek Me.
Tell them about the Ram."

God upheld the covenant of love,
so that Isaac could live.
He did the very same for us,
For Jesus, He did give.

"If I take something away,
I will always give something in it's place.
I have born the sin of the world...
giving you redemption in it's place.
What if I hadn't promised you?
What if I didn't care?
Surely it would look like I had abandoned you
or at the very least, ceased to care.

But you must know Me better than that - for
I will always care.  
As for my people who are crying out...
those who fall under your care...
release the Word that brings them hope...
and in My great power...I will take them

"There" is the place where My Kingdom reigns,
where my Truth is abundant, where justice rules
and mercy triumphs...where all that is under My
authority prospers. Where the heart beats in 
perfect harmony with Me and where there
is unity in place of discord... joy in place
of sorrow and where a day is like a thousand years.

Tell them not to grow weary, to have faith and
stand firm.  Tell them to not look with their
eyes and expect to see... but to see from their
heart and expect to know. I've hidden these
things from the wise and prudent and revealed
them to babes so that those who earnestly seek me
would find the path that leads them "there." 

Tell them every time they feel defeated to 
think of my Son on the cross...despised, ridiculed,
hated, wrongly accused and dying...but even in 
suffering there is fruit and even in dying there
is life. 

For I do not give as the world gives and to those who overcome the world, I give the Kingdom and it is "there" your "overcoming," that My Kingdom reigns...whether through death itself, great sorrow or loss, it is that when you have done all - you stand. "Am I alone?" you wonder. 
"Is there anyone standing with me?" you ask. When you are really seeking,really listening, really believing, you know that... "I am."

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