Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Ocean of Divine Love

"The Lord sometimes suffers his people to be driven into a corner that they may experimentally know how necessary he is to them. Ungodly children, when they show us our own powerlessness against the depravity of their hearts, drive us to flee to the strong for strength, and this is a great blessing to us. Whatever our morning's need may be, let it like a strong current bear us to the ocean of divine love. Jesus can soon remove our sorrow, he delights to comfort us. Let us hasten to him while he waits to meet us."*

Could it be that the ocean of divine love washes over us the moment we surrender
and allow His nature predominance and rule over our emotions?  

Instantly we are afloat on the waves of mercy...His love, His strength, His grace flooding
our spirits as we no longer "bar the gate" with our wounded hearts.

God doesn't exist to justify our hurts...He is there to comfort us "through them," so that through our tears and our own brokenness we can comfort others and through no power of our own - extend love to the one who hurt us. 

At what moment are we going to allow the ocean of divine love to wash over our feelings of anger, unforgiveness, envy, jealousy, fear and hate...will it be in 10 years? Next month? Next week?
Tomorrow? Today...or right now?  

Heavenly Father,
I pray we all choose now. Your love is better than life.  I pray we realize we need hearts full of "unconditional love" more than we need justification for holding on to emotions that slowly poison us and destroy our relationships.  Revive us, refresh us and hear our cry as we come boldly before Your throne of grace with our wounded hearts and say, "I surrender all."  Thank you Jesus. 

who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.
2 Corinthians 1:4 NKJV

Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.”

And they divided His garments and cast lots.

Luke 23:34 NKJV 

 All I want is You to have Your way
You are the Potter and I am the clay

All I need is You to have Your way
You are Creator and I'm what You've made

Finally I Surrender

You are God...I am man... You are sovereign

(Misty Edwards - Surrender lyrics)

* Taken from Charles Spurgeon's  Morning and Evening, Morning, September 17th

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