Saturday, March 7, 2009

And All That's In Between

"In between the casually spoken excess and the rare void of silence is a place where our well-intended words strike a chord and hit the mark."

Heavenly Father,

When we break the sacredness of silence that we so often take for granted...may our words be worth waiting for and may they be life-giving to the hearer.

Forgive us for the times we speak and neglect to just listen.

Forgive us for the times we speak because we want people to hear us.

Forgive us for the times we speak before we should have...or didn't speak when we should have.

May we be content when no one is one is one is responding...but You.

May we be comfortable in other's the awkward moments...and in the spaces left unfilled and communication left unanswered.

May we realize our speech and our hearing are gifts from You that awaken us to the world around us and yet desensitize us to it at the same time.

May what we choose to listen to and what we speak out, both be things that honor You.

May what we do and how we live speak louder than words ever could.

Let us not defile our hearing nor waste our words...but rather let us fine-tune our hearing and spare our words so that we listen more and talk less.

And with that being said....

Thank You and Amen, LORD!

And I'll stand in awe of You, Jesus
Yes, I'll stand in awe of You
And I'll let my words be few
Jesus, I am so in love with You

Lyrics from "Let My Words Be Few" by Phillips, Craig and Dean

1 comment:

  1. Good reminder that we don't always have to say something... that sometimes just listening is enough.
    Sometimes I myself am silent just because I fear I may say the wrong thing, even that I may pray the wrong thing... but I do take alot of comfort in Romans 8... that He makes intercession for us, as we do not pray as we ought. How merciful that our Father knew we wouldn't always say the right thing, but He was willing to make it right for us, and I believe, He just appreciates the effort.
