Monday, June 13, 2011

God Can Handle Our Brokenness, Can We Receive His Healing?

Search out the matter.

Seeking humbles and stills us before God.

The Lord shall open to you His good treasury, the heavens, to give the rain of your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hands;
~ Deuteronomy 28:12

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
~ Jeremiah 29:13

And whatever things you ask in prayer, believing, you will receive.
~ Matthew 21:22

Discern God's voice.
It is kind.
It sounds like a melody and feels like love.
If we could see it's sound, we might see dancing sparkles and colorfully illuminating light.
If it were a fragrance it would linger and delight.
If it were a taste, it would be the flavor that woos us to the point of "Ahhhhh."

Believe His heart is good.                                                                                                          
Remember He first loved us.
He wants to lay heaven at our feet as we lay the world at His.

Believe grace is a gift He wants you to have.
It's heaven's love poured out to cover us.
We can hold out our hand to prevent it's release...
or we can stand under the fountain and let it pour.

Imagine we're in the desert and our water ran out 3 days ago. Suddenly we come upon a stranger that offers us their water.  Are we really going to say,

"No, that's okay. We should've brought more. It's our own fault. We deserve to dehydrate and die out here because we made a mistake." 

Or are we going to fall on the dry ground, our tears landing in the dust covering their feet, drink like we've never drank before, and say,

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We would've died if it wasn't for you!"

Our self-sacrifice of "not receiving" doesn't "hol-i-fy" us.
Our inability to receive the gift, "rejects" the Giver.

Eternal life is not something that just happens after when we die.

It's living "now" in the everlasting...eternally.

Ready for healing?
Position yourself to receive.

For the jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did not run dry, in keeping with the word of the LORD spoken by Elijah.
~ 1 Kings 17:16

Heavenly Father,
Oh how You must want to just scoop us up like children and say,

"My little darling, I understand why you feel you must stay in the corner, but shall we let this delicious ice cream I've prepared just for you, melt? Come! Eat! Be filled with My goodness." Lifting our head and looking into our eyes, You say, "I forgive you My child and I have already forgotten. Now, let me kiss your cheeks and see your eyes fill with wonder, once again. You have my off you go!"

In Jesus' Name,

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