Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hide and Seek

Be Not Afraid by Greg Olsen

Mommy, Why is God so sad?
What makes you think He is sad?

Most people think He is always happy, but sometimes I see Him crying.
Why do you think He is crying?

Cause there are so many of His children that are hurting!
He doesn't want anyone to hurt. He just wants to take everyone in His
arms and tell them it's going to be okay. He wants everyone to know
how much He loves them...but He's still sad sometimes.
How come?

Because a lot of people don't know He cares.
He can see them and hear them but they can't see or hear Him.

I think because they hurt too much and they're afraid He isn't real.
What do you think we could do to help?

Maybe if we told them to not be afraid, they would be able to
be brave and look for Him... and you know what?

They would find Him!
How can you be so sure?

Because He doesn't ever hide from us.
You know how we play Hide and Seek and one person hides and the other person seeks?
Well God, He wants us to find Him and so He never ever hides and He always,
always would rather be "it."
How do you know?

Because when we say, Okay, we are going to hide and who is going to look for us?
He always says, "I am."

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