Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A mother is standing by her son’s grave, tears are streaming down her cheeks.
He was only nineteen.
All she has left now, is her faith in You oh Lord.
Though that same questions haunts her every dream, why? Why!?
I cannot tell her, and she cannot find reason in herself.
For the only explanation that can be found in this world is:
“The Lord works in mysterious ways, He has reasons for all that He does”.
This true, but completely unhelpful response is not what she, or anyone is seeking.
It is the obvious, so obvious that it does nothing but anger those who are told this.
So I beg you, pastor, father, mother, brother, sister, DO NOT try to answer the question: why?
For unless the Lord comes upon you and shares His wisdom with you for a specific occasion.
It is NOT our job to find reason and purpose in the Lord’s actions, especially the painful ones.
It is NOT our job to explain His movement unless He has specifically called us to do so.
Because, though logical and scripturally backed, our own response to what has happened,
Is not what the Lord intends. Though his plan will succeed no matter what we do,
I beg you to be cautious with your insight and only speak when you are led to do so.

When you pray, kneel behind a dark curtain.
When you do an act of kindness, let it be when eyes are closed.
When your hand opens and silver falls into the lap of a beggar, may he be turned the other way so you are not seen.
For the Lord delights in a private love and service of His people.
Do not announce your good works with trumpets and banners, do them in a hooded cloak.
When you are asked, “was it you that give this to the church”?
Answer “only at the command of the Almighty, for it was not I that did it, it was the Lord”.
Wear the mark of the Lord Jesus Christ on your forehead and hands, in declaration of your faith,
But do not act in goodness for the eyes of the public, for if your love and works are genuine,
The favor of the Lord will be reward enough.
Seek the curious smile of the people as they wonder who has done this for them,
Know that you have done the Lord’s work and be proud to be of service.
If you are meant to be seen by the eyes of the people, the Lord will shed His light upon you.
If you are meant to remain hidden, the shadows of His light will cloak your face.
Smile and rejoice, whether it be in light or shadow,
For you have served the Kingdom by the hand of the Lord.

By Justin Silcox 

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