Monday, June 20, 2011

With What Eyes Are You Seeing Today?

 The lamp of the body is the eye, if, therefore, thine eye may be perfect, all thy body shall be enlightened
Matthew 6:22

Are they the "eyes of offense" from yesterday's painful slight?
Are they the "eyes of control" that can only see to criticize?
Are they the "eyes of pride" that can only see their own way?
Are they the "eyes of envy" that find reason to judge and covet?
Are they the "eyes of grace" that see the hope and not the wreckage?
Are they the "eyes of love" that cover sin so that there be no shame?
Are they the "eyes of boldness" seeing in faith?
Are they the "eyes of wonder" that smile?
Are they the "eyes of compassion" that heal?
Are they the "eyes of a servant" gentle and lowly in heart?

The Kingdom of Heaven we see in ourselves and others depends greatly on the
eyes with which we see.

Heavenly Father,
Give us Your eyes LORD so that we might have true sight and heavenly vision.
In Jesus' Name,

Gina Higgins

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